Looking for the best talent in shipping?
Advertise where the best talent looks. Our online career centre TradeWindsJobs offers the perfect tool for candidate attraction and employer branding, with relevant content for job seekers and those looking to further their career.
In addition to job listings, we also offer banner advertising positions called ‘featured jobs’ positions to help with general recruitment campaigns.
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Standard Job listing
All online job listings appear on tradewindsjobs.com and on the news site. Latest jobs are also shared in our email news alerts to over 25,000 recipients twice a day, plus jobs are posted on our LinkedIn group and TradeWindsJobs Twitter feed.
Top Job listing
In addition to a standard job listing, all top jobs and the recruiting company are posted on our job’s homepage.
If you are ready to post a job now? Click here.
You can also run a combined online job listing in addition to a print job ad – discounts are available. Contact us for further details.